We spoke of the importance of not giving up hope, that within hope there is always promise. Never forget our faith, for that is what empowers us and makes us strong. As I spoke these words to my father, I was filled with a strong sense conviction, as though I was remembering a long forgotten, ancient truth. While I was speaking, I also became aware of two things: an insidious presence among the people present in the dream, as well as an increasing number of people who despaired and felt like giving up. I encouraged the people to pray-even going so far as to lead them in a repetition of Hail Mary and the Lord's Prayer. In doing so, I realized that even I had forgotten some of the words, and I began to stumble through it. All the while seeing smug smiles upon a face here and there in the crowd.

If you are unsure of what the important things are, I cannot answer that for you. I can, however, tell you what I use as my personal guide in when to let something go or when to hold onto it and cultivate it. I simply ask: When it comes time for me to leave this physical plane, will this be something I can carry with me, or will it truly have made a difference in life? If the answer to this is no, then I know that for myself, this is not that important.
Perhaps this is resurfacing because of events in the news. Devastation caused by earthquakes and tsunamis, war breaking out again, these are all tests to our faith and hope. It is during these times that our faith should be at it's strongest. It is during these times that we should all be in a place of service to our fellow man, and reach out-when instead we seem to withdraw, and pull our material goods closer in fear of losing them. Ask yourself: Can you take your possessions with you? Will they have made a difference? The answer is no. Reaching out with hand and heart to others-the rewards of that are something you can take with you.
I spoke with a dear friend about my dream, and both of us were surprised (pleasantly) by her following response:
"We are being pushed to give up. Hope, love, our dreams, ourselves. I've felt it too. And it's a constant battle. When we see others who don't seem to remember or want to do good, it's easy to lose our words and our way, but that's when we need to buckle down and focus. We can only control ourselves and our actions and choices. One person has the power to tip the balance between good and evil. But if we focus too much on others, we'll stumble.
Focus on the words and actions you want to express and let them inspire others ot join of their own free will. Don't force it. Just let yourself be a source of inspiration and guidance when people come to you."
While her message holds special meaning for me, I felt that it was a message meant for everyone. I don't believe this to be a message of my friend, exactly-but one of a much higher source. Whether or not you decide this is one of the many messages you can be open to today, is up to you.
Remember to always live fearlessly. But also remember to live spiritually awake.
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